Home office setup

Removing the stress from the remote working setup

It should come as no surprise that the demand for remote working is at an all-time high. The working-from-home population (excluding self-employed people) has grown a whopping 173% since 2005. As our technology has advanced and our networks have become more secure, remote working has become increasingly viable for businesses across the world.  

However, while it's fair to say that remote working was on the right trajectory pre-2020, no discussion about the skyrocketing of this new way of working would be complete without talking about coronavirus. The COVID-19 pandemic has massively disrupted the way we work, pushing office-only businesses to remote working seemingly overnight. This successful acceleration in remote working is a testament to how far we've come technologically. Without the advancements made over the last 15years, it simply wouldn't have been possible.

But Not all companies weathered this change the same. There are distinct challenges to working from home. The first hurdle that companies have to overcome is establishing an effective working-from-home setup. Put simply, if you can't mobilize your workforce to work from home by giving them the tools and technologies they need away from the office, then you'll fail before you begin.


As smooth and effective homeworking setup with Nibo

This is where Nibo comes in. Employees must be able to work from home effectively, and the transition to remote working must be a smooth one. Employees need to access files, updated software, accounts, tools, and more. Everything they need to do their job inthe office must be available at home too. This process sounds straightforward on paper, but it's often complicated in practice. It can often be hard to remember each part of the setup and every unique requirement for all employees.Many times employees will start working from home only to get stuck when they reach a roadblock. Maybe they forgot one little thing - a tool they use infrequently but is absolutely essential to a task they need to complete.

Other times companies can even forget to implement technologies employees use all the time. It sounds counterintuitive, but it's surprisingly easy to overlook ubiquitous elements of our job. If you've ever forgotten your toothbrush when you're staying away from home, then you've experienced this phenomenon in action. It's not that youdon't think brushing your teeth is essential (you know it is), but your toothbrush is just always there when you need it, so you don't give it a second thought. It's only when you come to do your evening routine that you realize something is missing, and by then, it's too late.

Nibo can help with the office setup and ensure nothing is missed. It does this by using a simple automated process:

  1. do a hardware checklist
  2. setup a VPN
  3. manage all passwords and accounts
  4. ensure all required software is installed and up to     date

All that the user has todo is ask Nibo to work from home.

This complex process is hidden behind a simple chat interface. The user simply asks Nibo to work from home, in his own words. Nibo uses natural language processing to understand what the user needs and then utilizes machine learning, matching intent, and tagging the issue. Eventually, he can match it to the existing automations: "Setup home office" and "Enable VPN."

Once the home office is set up, Nibo is available for any further issues. Contacting IT and waiting in a queue for a fix to a small problem becomes a thing of the past.

1 min
required to request work from home
20 min
for Nibo to automatically setup the home office
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